International Women’s Day – March 8

8 March 2024

Every year, March 8 is a time to recognize and celebrate women’s social, economic, cultural and political achievements worldwide. It’s also a time to take stock, reflect and exchange ideas, and encourage and mobilize each other.

Women and girls around the world continue to drive society forward in the pursuit of gender equality. Through innovation and perseverance, they are bringing about change in our society.

This year’s theme for the day is: Ça gronde

It’s rumbling inside, it’s rumbling outside, it’s rumbling everywhere. Inequality everywhere. Violence everywhere. Crisis everywhere. Climate crisis, housing crisis, crisis of our public services, crisis of confidence in our systems. Our systems are failing, outdated, and out of breath. We’re at our wits’ end too. We’re angry. And scared, sometimes. It’s true, our pain and our tears could extinguish our fire. But it doesn’t. It’s fueled, it grows. It feeds on the struggles of some, on the indignation of others. It rumbles, it boils and it fulminates. It will explode. It’s already exploding with the fire that can heal and can unite. That fire can change everything” – Collectif 8 mars.

At SEU 800, we recognize the work of many women activists who, without counting their hours, mobilize and fight for better working conditions for women.

Thank you to all the activists of SEU800 for your involvement!