Press release
QFL reaction to the federal budget

18 April 2024

”Since nature hates a void, it’s easy to see why the federal government is acting in the CAQ’s ”areas of incompetence”.

Denis Bolduc, QFL General Secretary

Montreal, April 16, 2024– The Quebec Fédération of Labour (QFL) welcomes many of the measures announced in the federal budget, such as investments in housing, drug insurance and food assistance, and believes they are a step in the right direction to meet the needs of the population. The QFL believes it is important for Quebec to protect its areas of jurisdiction, but understands the actions of the federal government in the face of the CAQ government. For the QFL, we need to tackle the high cost of living, the housing crisis, food aid, dental care and drug insurance. That’s why Quebec City and Ottawa need to work together and come to an agreement quickly so that the billions of dollars on the table can help those who struggle every day to make ends meet.

Quebecers are still suffering from inflation. Housing has become unaffordable; food bank use is on the rise and homelessness is reaching alarming proportions. So, it’s hardly surprising that the federal government is taking action. Since nature abhors a vacuum, we understand why the federal government is acting in the CAQ’s ‘areas of incompetence’,” says QFL General Secretary Denis Bolduc.

In the face of the current emergency, we need to put aside fence squabble. The two levels of government must work together to ensure that money is used for the programs for which it was intended, and not to lower taxes, give out gift certificates to get elected or pay millionaires to come play field hockey,” adds the General Secretary.

The measures on capital gains, which target the wealthiest, are also to be welcomed. This is a positive measure, but much remains to be done, particularly in effectively combating tax avoidance and evasion. We should also mention the $1.5 billion invested in culture and communities.

The QFL also calls on the opposition to use common sense and work with the Trudeau government to ensure that the anti-scab bill is passed quickly and implemented as soon as it receives Royal Assent. Workers should not have to wait 18 months, as is currently proposed. Ottawa must also improve employment insurance and continue its efforts to establish a universal public drug plan. ” In Quebec, the hybrid (public-private) plan is completely inadequate. Too many low-income people go without medication because they can’t afford it. It has already been shown that a universal public plan would save billions of dollars through greater bargaining power. Reason must prevail over the interests of the pharmaceutical lobbies and insurance companies,” concludes the General Secretary.

The QFL, Quebec’s largest central labour body, represents over 600,000 workers.

Source: QFL

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