
11 January 2023

Sisters and Brothers,

With great pleasure, we inform you that our next Convention will be held on September 15, 16 and 17, 2023, at the Doubletree Hilton Pointe-Claire Hotel, an entirely unionized SEU 800 establishment. This 11th Convention of the SEU 800 will be held under the theme “The past in mind, the future in our hands. ” It will be a great opportunity to gather, to exchange and to plan our union future together.

According to the Union’s Constitution, the general assemblies to elect delegates and substitutes, and to submit resolutions must be held before July 17th, 2023. Indeed, this is the deadline to send the resolutions to the Executive Vice-President of the Union, Mrs. Marie Deschênes. The union representatives will inform the base units.

Also, all the nominations for the different positions of the Union, accompanied by the written acceptance of the candidate, must be transmitted to my attention thirty (30) days before the opening of the Convention, that is to say, August 16th, 2023, at the latest.

Further information will follow shortly.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you an excellent year 2023 filled with health and solidarity!

Cristina Cabral
President SEU 800